04 May 2010

Off to Scotland

Our first "major" trip out of London starts tomorrow. The annual Board Meeting of the UK unit of Chris's company is this week in Loch Lomond, Scotland. Chris has to go and - darn it - he has to bring his spouse along. Poor Kyle has to stay behind by himself, but he'll be fine.

I'm a tad bit nervous as some of our companions on the trip have titles like "Lord" and "Sir". I am not kidding. While execs & Board members are in meetings, their spouses will be out on river cruises and touring castles so it really should be fun. Weather forecast doesn't look too promising so I think I'll have to worry more about how warm I am versus what I'm actually wearing, which somehow takes the pressure off a bit. As for conversation, I'll keep away from religion & politics and perhaps swing the chat towards the wonders of Marmite, pork pie and bank holidays - all popular items here apparently. (We've yet to try Marmite; pork pie is suspiciously similar to Spam wrapped in pastry dough, and we're lovin' the bank holidays!)

Wish me luck!


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