So it's been awhile! Not sure why. Certainly not because I've been hobnobbing with Prince Andrew or anything. God knows that would cost me a pretty penny if Fergie has anything to do with it!
I suppose life has just been trotting on. A few recent features:
Monday, 17May... lined up Henry (one of the landscapers at the apt. complex) to make me up some window boxes for the balconies. He delivered them yesterday. Not exactly the English Country Garden I've always longed for, but the next best thing.
Wednesday, 19May... Kyle & I absolutely positively were NOT lost in Hampstead Heath. There were plenty of people around and we could've asked for assistance at any time. I just chose not to, because I knew that with my impecable sense of direction, I could get us back on the road home easily. But once the sun went behind the clouds for good, and the trees got thicker, and it got later, I finally figured I throw a Brit a bone and let him think that he was bailing out some poor, daft Americans lost in the Heath. Only we absolutely positively were NOT lost. We were headed in the right direction the entire 2 hours. Boy - did that beer taste good when we finally got back to the flat.
Friday, 20May... joined some other members of the Hampstead Women's Club (which I recently joined) for their monthly coffee - at Starbucks of all places! I had decided to boycott all those high profile American companies while we're here in the UK, but my social life has been suffering so I made the sacrifice. Met some very nice ladies and have already made plans to meet one of them at a gallery, and to go to some future events. Hooray.
Saturday, 21May...Chris, Kyle and I got out early (for us) and took a river cruise from Westminster to Greenwich. Greenwich is a lovely village in East London, right on the Thames, and is home not only to a wonderful market, but to the Greenwich Observatory which was the birth of Greenwich Mean Time back in the 1800's. Attached is the obligatory photo of us stradling the Prime Meridian. (Not sure which hemispheres Chris & I are in.) We met a nice artist and bought some artwork from him at the market, and just had a nice day.
Sunday, 22May... went into town for coffee and saw Colin Farrell (or his double) while Chris & I were sitting at the outdoor cafe.
And now it's another week! One other thing worth mentioning is the absolutely glorious weather we've had since last Friday. High 70's to low 80's (26 - 27 degrees C) and blue, blue skies. It's only supposed to be in the 60's for the duration of this week, but staying dry. I think they could really use some rain now, but I am definitely not complaining. As you'll see in the photo album, these Brits are absolute sun worshippers when it finally does make an appearance. Any green space is covered by blankets and/or bare feet on weekends if the sun is out and it's above 60. So you can only imagine what it was like this past weekend.
Bought tix today to go to Royal Ascot on 19 June, including a pre-race tailgate picnic! Very excited about that. Didn't buy the premium "Royal Enclosure" tickets, where we'd be required to don "formal day dress" including hats, ala Eliza Doolittle, but rather the regular Grandstand tickets (although we are still expected "to dress in a manner appropriate to a smart occasion" - straight off the website.) You'll be sure to hear all about that event after it occurs. Really can't wait. "MOVE YOUR BLOOMIN' ASS!!!" Do I dare?? :-)