Returned 5 days ago from a 3-week trip to the US, and am still fighting the jet lag! It's much easier to go west than east... I am laying awake until at least 2 am, then sleeping fitfully; I probably don't hit solid sleep before 8 am and am absolutely willing myself out of bed at 10:30. By the time I drink my coffee, watch a few episodes of "Two and 1/2 Men" and take a shower, half my day is over with! Must... get... back... to... regular... routine...this...week!! This will include returning to my beloved fitness walks, starting tomorrow.
And how was my trip to my real (as opposed to surreal) home? It was really great. Kyle & I flew over with Chris - rather, behind Chris as he was up in Business Class and we were back in Economy Plus (it was a work trip as well for him) and we all spent a week at our beautiful home in Vestal, NY. It really is a beautiful home, darn it. Huge kitchen with full-size appliances, a prep sink, and a pot-filler! Walk-all-the-way-in-and-close-the-door-behind-you laundry room with a humongous Whirlpool duet washer & dryer - you can wash more than 2 towels at a time! And my shower... don't get me started on that shower. I was absolutely giddy for the first 15 minutes after we arrived.
Michael & Sarah and Eric & Lauren came up from NoVirginia and we had a wonderful Labor Day weekend together, joined by Chris's brother Mike, their parents, and mine as well. Steaks on the grill were of course in order, as were stops at Heid's of Liverpool when we drove up to Syracuse for a day, and the Speedie & Rib Pit in Vestal. Forgot to mention that Kyle & I arrived a day before Chris did and our first dinner back home was Five Guys Burgers in Binghamton. Almost heaven! We also made it to the Ithaca Brew Fest where people actually - and I'm not making this up - stopped Chris to take photos of him and his "Bob the Boozer" shirt that he bought at the British Beer Fest! He was eating it up, of course. Add in a game of whiffle ball and a few evenings around the ole' fire pit, roasting marshmallows and melting beer bottles, and you could almost call it a perfect holiday.
Following the much-needed and well-enjoyed family time, we headed out. After driving Chris to Dulles airport, Kyle & I spent 3 wonderful, warm, sunny days in Manassas, VA, practically our home town (actually, it really is Kyle's hometown.) Got the chance to spend more time with Michael & Eric and see some old and very dear friends. Then it was off to Kennett Square, PA for a stay at the Koetz's - Auntie Gramma needed her fix and we had a lovely visit with Olivia & Riley - oh, and Meg & Glenn of course. The last stop on our road trip was South Jersey, where we again had the opportunity to see very dear friends and do some catching up. Boy, did the time go by fast. After a week on the road, we headed back to Vestal, where (in between watching our favorite Food Network shows) Kyle & I vacuumed up crumbs, did laundry (pure bliss) and cleaned out the fridge in preparation for vacating the house once again.
Our last 5 days were spent up in Liverpool, mostly with family - although I did get the chance to see one of my HS BFF's Nancy, who doesn't even read my blog so won't know about this shout out. All of the Manning side of the family gathered at Dad & Darlene's that Saturday for our traditional "Early Thanksgiving" and had a ball just being together.
How thankful I am - I just traveled to 4 different states in 3 weeks and had the chance to spend true quality time with our wonderful families and many fabulous friends that I count myself so blessed to have. And now I'm back in London, familiar but at the same time still foreign, and am fortunate enough to have a few friends that I'm returning to. What did I appreciate most about being back in the US? Being together with all of our kids at once. (And the above mentioned modern conveniences, of course.) What do I appreciate most about being back? Hmmmmm... besides the obvious, which is Chris & I being in the same time zone, I'm going to have to give it some thought. I'm still reveling in the memory of that Five Guys cheeseburger...
(Note: album below is the same one that was e-mailed to family)